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After Your Refugee Hearing: Know Your Rights

Your decision:

Sometimes the board member will tell you at the hearing if they accept or reject your refugee claim.

Sometimes they tell you that they will need more time and that the decision will be sent to you in the mail.

You have a right to:

know why the board member accepted or rejected your claim. They will send you a decision with the reasons written out.

If your lawyer or your Designated Representative receives this decision, you have the right to ask them to share it with you.

If you get a positive decision, you have a right to:

Apply for Permanent Residence (PR)

Apply for your Ontario Health Card (OHIP)

Ask for help from the Centre for Refugee Children or another refugee centre to apply for PR and OHIP

If you get a negative decision, you might have a right to

Appeal the decision!

Check with your Designated Representative and your lawyer to see if you can appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division

If you can’t appeal your decision, you might have some other options, including applying to the Federal Court. Ask your Designated Representative and your lawyer to explain this to you.

Read more about what happens after your hearing on this website.